Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 4

 I am thankful for my beautiful oldest daughter! She is oh so stubborn, but oh so kind. She is sensitive and can't stand to hurt others feelings. She is shy but doesn't hold back with those she is close to. Only a lucky few get the pleasure of knowing the real her. I am so blessed to have her. She teaches me patients and how to be kinder. She teaches me how to be more gentle and sensitive to her and her siblings needs. She might be a daddy's girl, but she will always have a special place in my heart. I love her girly girlness (I just made that word up, LOL). She helps me put away my tom-boy tendencies and be a girl. I have never liked Barbie's, but she has taught me to use my imagination and get over those dislikes. LOL. She has taught me many, many things. And, I am so thankful for her!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Little Miss K is so tender, and I am blessed to know the real her, she is a darling and I am determined that one day "when hers all growed up" she will marry one of my boys!!! I miss that sweet face and her shy little hugs. I miss her dressing up and bossing Big Daddy around. <3 You lots Little Miss K!