just got tagged in my first tag ever! This makes me so happy... so here goes:
1. link the person who tagged you
2. post the rules
3. tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
1. link the person who tagged you
2. post the rules
3. tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. . .
1. I CAN'T stand it if my someone pushes down on the tips of my fingernails, my mother used to do this to me and Matthew will do it occasionally.
2. I hate when people interupt songs that I like, I'm very passionate about my music and I don't like it being interupted, so if someone is talking to me while a good song is on I WILL ignore that person until the song is over.
3. If someone is erasing something off the board they MUST erase EVERYTHING, it drives me crazy if someone leaves a speck on the board.
4. I have been told that I have a strange obsession with cheese. I guess I do LOVE the stuff.
5. Nathan figured out a quirk of mine...he figured out that by stroking my hair I instantly stop talking...he has used this technique at night when I won't shut-up.
6. The last quirk I can think of is....I really, really, cannot handle when someone sings Christmas carols in the summer or out of season... so please don't do it around me it's irritating.
well those are some of my quirks...and I choose to tag...Nola, Kathleen, Shawnee, Cheri, Annie, and Even (I doubt he will though he doesn't have a blog post yet but I couldn't think of anyone else).