Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My little Dill-weed is growing....!

I know this picture is a "nude" picture but who doesn't have a picture of there child in the bath.....He was so cute and having so much fun that I couldn't resist. That, and it proves that I keep my tub clean ;)

Matthew's first attempt at feeding himself and his first solids, yay, another milestone!!!!!!!!

I took this picture when I was visiting Stillwater for my brother Seth's wedding! It could not be a more perfect day (for Oklahoma that is), the temperature was cool and there was NO was such a perfect fall day.

Ta dah!!! I made banana bread for the first time and it came out AWESOME if I do say so myself :) I even put my own twist on it and put a cinnamon/brown sugar strussel on was so scrumptious.