Wednesday, November 12, 2014


    I know I have skipped a few days of thankfulness but I have had a very stressful week. While it was stressful, I have been able to cope with everything through music.
    As long as I can remember, music has been my therapy, my friend, my free advise, my wise companion, my mood, and well, part of who I am.  I believe I got my love of music from my Dad. He was in band and passed his talents and love of music to my siblings and I. As a child I remember my Dad constantly singing, humming, or whistling a tune. Whether he made the tune up himself or not, he constantly had a song in his head. I love him for that. I love that he instilled in me a love for music. Because of him I decided to play cello and taught myself to play piano. My father also has a great singing voice. I used to LOVE hearing him sing hymns in church or listen to him sing to me. Two of my favorites were "I'm trying to be like Jesus," and, my absolute favorite, "I believe in Christ." (
  Also, as long as I remember, music has helped me get through EVERYTHING! Even house chores. My parents would wake us up every Saturday morning with music....that was our cue that it was time to get up and CLEAN. I loved it! I loved waking up every Saturday to that music. I still didn't like cleaning but that music made it FUN! I will post some of my favorites that we listened to;
1. The Monkees:
2. Michael Jackson:
3. The Best of Bread: (this one is kind of sad, but for some reason it's one of my favorites...)
4. Whitney Houston:
5. Celine Dion: (love this one!)
  Those were some fun Saturdays! Along with chores, music has helped me through the hardest times in my life. Even as a teenager, I made some horrible mistakes and awful choices. As, a result I had some serious repenting to go through and I did not fully understand the repentance process. Music helped me to better understand godly sorrow, and what the atonement truly means. It also helped me through this time to gain a testimony of the gospel on my own (instead of using my parents testimony). These songs helped me through those times (one of the links is an entire EFY album, but I suggest listening to the whole thing. I love every song on there! They each helped me and touched my soul).
   Later in life I was still figuring out who I was and made some EXTREMELY questionable choices. I was engaged once before (he was atheist). Three years I was with him, I tried to help him find faith in Christ, but the more I prayed the more I realized it wasn't going to work. Then I heard this song, and it help me to make the ultimate decision to end things;
   Right after that time in my life I found the love of my life and this song made so much sense to me and related to me exactly! Well first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes..... Before I knew it, I was about to have my first child and was about to be a mother for the first time.  As I was driving to the hospital to be induced, I listened to this song, over, and over! The title is so appropriate, it's called "The Adventure." And, what an amazing adventure it has been!
  Unfortunately, along with being a mother, postpartum depression has hit me with 2 of the 4 children I've had (Matthew and Payton). I don't remember what music helped me get through Matthew's (it was pretty bad with him), but with Payton it wasn't as severe. I was able to recognize the problem and was able to cope better. This song came on the radio (I think it was a gift from a loving Heavenly Father), and it was as if the depression just lifted off my shoulders right then. I went home and downloaded the song right away. And, the moment the depression would tried to creep back, I played that song and was instantly soothed.
   I have always had a hard time hearing that still small voice to guide me where I need to go. I believe that Heavenly Father knows that, and gives me revelation through music. There are times when I really need to hear something and it doesn't matter how many times someone will tell me, I won't get it. But, I hear a song that has the same message and BAM I get it! Like recently, I have been having a hard time letting go of the hurt in my heart over someone else's actions. My husband told me to just let it go, so did a few other people. I just COULD NOT DO IT. As, much as I prayed and tried, it wouldn't happen. Then today as I was driving this song ( came on back to back on different stations. Of, course it was exactly what I needed to hear and has made all the difference. So...I'm just going to "shake it off," and every time my brain tries to start thinking about it, I listen to the song and feel better instantly.
 I am so, so, so, so, so thankful for music! It has been a beacon for me at times. I relate my life to different songs and it is my therapy. So, if you are talking to me and there is a really good song that starts playing....don't be offended if I shush you or stop listening to you altogether....I literally can't help myself. That is how much I love's the only thing (besides the temple of course, LOL) that helps me tune out the world and helps me feel at peace.
  And, if you are favorite band is Weezer and this is one of my favorite songs by them (and I have many favorites). Yes, this song is about a spider....and I think it's hilarious.
And just for a little treat...this is my current favorite song (it contains a little don't listen if there are little ears around).  I can relate to this song. LOL


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was AWESOME!!!! I LOVE this post!!! You are the COOLEST ever! I need to listen to the rest of the these...... You should put more songs on here. ;) I just think you're the bestest sister-friend EVER, in the whole wide world, and I love you to pieces! You're so much cooler than me......