Wednesday, October 29, 2014


What a monumental fail I've had. It all started last night. I was in bed when my phone went the living room. So, I got up and navigated my way to my phone. On the way I noticed the girls left their princess castle in the middle of the room (I left a mental note to remember said castle on the way back). After I got to my phone and shut off the sound and turned to go back to bed....and....BAM! What the heck happened to that mental not of the stupid castle??? Dang it, that hurt. The first thought that came to my mind was, "that sucked, at least I didn't break anything!" Boy was I in for a treat or maybe it's more of a trick (see what I did there with the Halloween thing and stuff? LOL) I am a nerd I know.
So, the next morning I get the kids up, I curl up on the couch as the kids eat breakfast (shushing them the entire time so they don't wake the baby). Well, the kids finally finish eating and, very LOUDLY start getting ready for school. My precious oldest daughter decided to be extremely loud...right next to the baby's bedroom door. So, in lightning speed I grab said daughter and physically try to move her away from the door. Well....she didn't want to move at lightning speed so my foot or rather, my toe collided with the back of her foot "D$&MN it!!!!!!" Then the next step I take to recover...."$#&T"...stepped on a FREAKING LEGO!!! And the final step I take???!!!! A #!$%#% STICKER!!!!!! WHAT???!!!!! Why can't I win today? EPIC FAIL!!!!! Sorry for all the swearing but you would too given the situation. I did say it to myself and not out loud for the most part, at least. Although I am cracking up as I write this I'm not sure if it's because the situation was stupid funny (and I kind of pictured me looking like a scene out of Home Alone), or because this prescription Ibuprofen has kicked in. Either way, you have my permission to laugh. LOL! So, as a result I am 90% sure my second to last toe is now broken (just in time for Halloween, GO ME!). And for the record if I had know it was "national hate your feet day," I would've stayed in bed.
Here is a crappy photo I took. It looks way worse now, by the way (Add a touch of blue on the inside of my toe and that is what it looks like now).
P.S. The baby slept through the entire not a complete fail, right? 


Unknown said...

Holy Buckets Woman!!! I laughed so hard at this! You crack me up! I'm so sorry about your tootsie :( Wish I was there to help you and cheer you up. I love you tons!!!

Cheri said...

ahhhh, Broken toes HURT!!!! Glad you have meds and the best kids!!