Friday, October 3, 2014

A letter to Kylie

Dearest Kylie,

You turned 5 years old today. You are in preschool and are one of the smartest kids in your class and your teacher told me that she actually relies on you to help the other kids in your class.  You are so, so smart and generous, which makes you even more beautiful (inside and out). I love your tender heart and just want you to know that you will be an amazing mother someday (way better than me). You are constantly looking out for all your siblings and I love hearing how much you want to be a mommy.
 You have given me your fair share of scares also. Like when you rammed your head into a fire hydrant and even worse, you scared me just a few days after you were born. You turned orange and wouldn't eat. They sent you to the NICU, where they told me you were severely jaundiced. I thought I was going to lose you. But, you are a fighter and you never back down. Which is why I love your stubbornness. You may be a daddy's girl but you will always be my baby. I love you so, so, so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS KY, KY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Mommy
P.S. Sorry it's a day late. :-(
(I wish I had a better picture of when you were born but I can't find one..)





(I took this picture yesterday on her birthday before she went to school)

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I love this girl and your letter and all the photographs. The years are flying by, she's so beautiful and such a sweetheart. I love her stubbornness too! She's tough and sweet all in one!