Friday, July 11, 2014


    I don't usually have bad days, but when I do, I guess when it rains, it pours! It all started off with me being sick (thank you Matthew), then while getting the kids breakfast, Kylie got mad and threw a glass bowl on the floor.....and it broke....and I wanted to go back to bed, and I should've. LOL! After cleaning up the mess I decided to clip AnnMarie's finger nails (they were ridiculously long). I clipped off some of her thumb instead of the nail! OMGosh! I have never ever had a nail clipping accident before (there is a first time for everything) after getting a band aid on to stop the bleeding, I was about ready to call it quits. But, being a Mom, that's not possible. The kids kept fighting over dumb things, and before I lost it completely, I kicked them out of the house. I gave them a HUGE cup of ice water and told them to stay outside until lunch. Well lunch time came and after they ate I sent them outside, laid Payton down for a nap, then I sat down to feed the baby. As soon as I sat down, I hear doors opening and blood curdling screaming coming from Kylie. I knew something was wrong...she never screams like that. So I put the baby down and go in to the kitchen as Matthew is helping his sister in the house and all I see is.....Blood!
   All down Matthew's arm and completely covering Kylie's shoulder. Matthew at once told me, "she hit her head on the fire hydrant!".......all I could think was, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!"
  I rush her into the bathroom (all while the baby is screaming her head off because I cut her off in the middle of lunch), and look at the bloody mass that was Kylie's head. I was finally able to locate where the wound was (no thanks to the gobs and gobs of hair....sometimes thick hair is not so great). Once I found the gash on her head, I realized...great she's going to need stitches. :-(
  After I finally found people to watch Matthew and Payton, I rushed to our Urgent Care facility in Newcastle (the whole time I was trying to get ahold of Nathan but he wouldn't answer the phone!) with Kylie and AnnMarie.
    Thankfully we were the only ones there and we got in relatively quick. And, the result....Kylie is now sporting three staples on the top of her head (another first for today, this was our first serious accident that a band aid couldn't help. I can't believe we've gone this long with out one). She was extremely brave and did not cry at all while they stapled her back together. After that I decided to get her a treat for being so brave. We went to Braum's and she asked for a large rootbeer! :-) And, of course who happens to call while in the drive thru??!!! NATHAN! Talk about bad timing!
  I'm surprised we made it home in one piece! All in all, it was a pretty crappy day! But since I am an optimist, I generally like to find the good in things. So here are the good things that happened on my worst day ever......Kylie doesn't have a concussion, Payton slept through the entire ordeal, family stepped in to save the day (thanks again Nola!!!), I was still able to get dishes clean and dining room cleaned up even though I am sick, none of my kids are sick with me, and I still love my husband (LOL). So there is my rant. Sorry, no actually, you're welcome there are no pictures. Ha! Hopefully your day was better than mine!

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