Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's!!!!

I LOVE St. Patricks Day! And not because it's a catholic made up holiday, but because this is the day (four years ago) that My husband and I were sealed/married for time and eternity. And, it has been the BEST four years of my life!!! It was not an easy road getting to the temple but my incredible husband got me there. If it wasn't for him, and Heavenly Father of course :), I would be in a dark place I'm sure. And after we were married I received some bitter comments from people I thought were my friends. One in particular called me "stupid" and that within a year of being married I would be miserable and know I had made a huge mistake (she said this behind my back of course). Well all I can say is, four years later and I am the happiest I have ever been. With an extremely loving husband and the most beautiful two children. So who is the ignoramious now? Definitely not me! I made the best dicision EVER!!! And not choosing Nathan would have been stupid and a mistake. It's been awesome and I wouldn't change a thing.
    Anyways, on to the fun part. For the past three wedding anniversaries, Nathan has planned (and they all were super awesome and romantic). I was also pregnant for the first two anniversaries and breast feeding the last one.  So, this time since I am neither prego or have a baby latched on to me Nathan asked me if I wanted to plan it this year. I totally excepted the "challenge" LOL and have the most awesome weekend planned. Hopefully I will remember to blog about it. So, I will hopefully be writing on Monday and will HOPEFULLY give you a report of the fun we had. Until then, Happy St. Patrick's Day, wear lots and lots of green, and have a LUCKY Day Laddies and Larses. :)!!!!


Aubrey said...

I'll admit to being a little shocked when I found you two were engaged (I mean, I didn't even know you were dating!) but after the shock came the happy dance. I've never been so excited for you and you married one great guy. Happy Anniversary, you two lovebirds! (And I think it's awesome you got married on St. Patrick's Day).

whitney said...

yay! yay! for four years! You'll have to let us know how the weekend goes :)

Cheri said...

You sure did marry a sweetheart of a lad and he married an equally sweet lass!