Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Super long post coming up........

So so sorry, I am really bad at this. I made a New Years resolution that I would blog every other week. I guess that one has gone out the window. I also made other resolutions though that are going really well. Like read my scriptures every night, pray every night, start my geneology, lose four to eight pounds, learn to sew, start and finish an art project, and love myself. I know it's a lot but I have already accomplished tons and it's only March! I have read my scriptures and prayed every night diligently. I have started the ball rolling on geneology. I have lost about ten pounds and I think as a result of all these things combined I have learned to love myself. I also have finished my first sewing project, which wasn't as disasterious as I thought it would be. the only thing left for me is the art project...we'll see how that goes.
As for other news, for those that do not know.... Nathan is starting his Aviation mechanics courses on the 22 of March. The course is 18 months long, and he will be doing that full time, long with working 40+ hours a week. So I will only be seeing him at church on Sunday's. Hopefully the time will fly by like I hope it will, and I will be trying my hardest to keep as busy as possible. Well now on with the show, here are some pictures of what has been going on since December.... Here we are on the way to a date! It was fun!
...Matthew shootin some hoops! Slam dunk!

cheezy milk mustache grin

Kylie.... anyone want to guess on who she looks like... cause I'd like to know.

mister cool found his pockets...haha

Uncle Nick came for a visit... and yes he was on the computer almost the whole time. Kylie seemed to like the computer though.

This is an edible craft I found online. It's Kyro corn syrup and food coloring. Matthew loved it!


Here is Mattew trying to catch a snowflake:)

It was kind of his first snow... he had a blast!

This is my nephew look (my brother Micheals' son.... if you know Mike this is a spittin image of him).

His daughter Emily and my neice... don't you just love that bedhead?

Matthew and Emily together, they are only a month apart.

Well that's all folks... hope you enjoyed!


Coty said...

Oh Nichole! I loved all of that post. Matthew is getting so big, I loved the "Mister Cool" pic. And look at Miss blue eyes Kylie...what a peach!

You guys went on a date! That is uber exciting. I love your hair and your makeup in that photo of you guys. Gorgeous.

OH and losing 10lbs...work it girl, that is an accomplishment for any mother!!!

Keep up the posts...I love reading about you guys. Take care.

ps great job on your new year's goals too! It always feels good to follow through huh.

pss UGH. i'm sorry about Nathan being gone...but just try and think about all the blessings it will bring to your family.

Love you guys!

whitney said...

yay! for an uber-post. woohoo! on your new years resolutions. Great job! Sorry about Nathan being gone so much. 18 months is definitely doable. It'll be tough, but so worth it, I'm sure! I can't believe how big your kids are! Kylie's just a doll and Matthew is so grown-up. I loved the snow pic in particular!

Dina said...

Cute pics! Looks like you guys had a fun time at the zoo! I hope to see you all soon!