Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Goings on and such

Well it's been almost a month since my last post and I said I would blog something happier next time, so here it goes...finally! ;-P
A lot has happened and these pictures are all out of order but I don't have the time, nor the patience to fix them. Matthew started T-ball for the first time! He absolutely LOVES it and he is really, really good at it! His coach actually gets a little upset when he misses a game (the only time he misses any games is Sunday). But, he is very understanding about the whole, "no baseball on Sunday" thing. The coach has him "pitching" almost every game. Anyways, enough bragging, hehehehe.

For Valentines Day Matthew's class had a fun party with ice cream sundaes. Mmmmmm! The girls had a blast too.

And of course we made homemade Valentines for Daddy. It will definitely be tradition from now on. The kids had so much fun! We also continued our new tradition of making heart shaped homemade pizza! It was definitely one of the best Valentine's Days we've had.
 Up next we had Payton's birthday party. I can't believe she is already 2! Where has the time gone? We had her party the same day as AnnMarie's baby blessing (I don't have time to find those pictures...sorry).
The birthday girl cheesing it up!
 We randomly went to Mt. Scott and "hiked." I didn't do much hiking since I was holding a newborn and it was kind of difficult to maneuver with her. But I did get some fun pics of everyone else having a blast and climbing all over boulders. It kind of reminded me of when I was a kid. My parents would take us kids to a place called "City of Rocks" in New Mexico. We would play ball tag on top of the boulders. It was very fun...and dangerous. LOL! 

 On the way home from hiking we saw this tank and just HAD to get pictures of it. Ha ha ha!
 Hopefully this video works, but it is Matthews first ever school performance. He was so adorable. The program was about the different seasons, and his class performed "winter." If you here a baby crying through the video and if the video is bouncy....um sorry about that but I was holding the baby while Nathan was running around after Payton. It was kind of a crazy night. ;-P.
Hope you enjoyed some happy and fun memories. Ever since Nathan quit one of his jobs, we have had a lot more time to make tons of happy memories! So happy he is home! Now if only I could get used to sleeping with him (the 7 years we've been married, he has worked nights), things would be pretty close to perfect. 

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