Friday, April 8, 2011

Potty training woes and What to do with that hair?

 Sooo, Matthew has been showing ALL the signs that he is ready to potty train. He stays dry through the night and through nap times, he occasionally asks to go on the potty, and he tells me to change his diaper EVERY time he poops and sometimes when right after he pees. So, Yesterday I decided it was time to switch from diapers to pull ups. But, to him, it's just a cool diaper that has buzz lightyear on them. And, when I just gave up and made him go naked all day, he went to the potty EVERY time without fail (that includes pooping), and I didn't have to ask him once! I figured, he pee on the floor once and then I explain to him what to explanation necessary, he figured it out on his own and we were "accident" free all day. So, I thought well maybe he just thinks pull ups are diapers and I should try putting underpants on him....Well that DIDN'T work!!!! I can't just let him run around naked all time can I? How do I get him to go when he has clothes on? Any advise?????.......

Now on to my little princess. Growing up most of you know I was a tomboy and as a result, I never did my hair in any sort of way, except wild and tangled. Well now I have this beautiful girly girl who loves everything, well...girly. She likes me to do her hair "pretty" but All I know how to do is pig tails, pony tails, and I can do a little bit of braiding. What do I do with all that gorgous hair? Does anyone know of any creative way do girls hair? I would LOVE some advise!!!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Sorry, none here. I was speaking with a friend who had the exact same problem potty training her son, she said she decided that he just wasn't quite ready and she would try again this summer(of course, she is also 9 months pregnant...).

Good luck with the hair too, I barely do my own hair and get more anxious everyday with Lillian's hair getting so long. If you find anything worth checking out please pass along to me.