Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hoping for a better weekend....

With all that's been going on, I forgot to blog about last weekend. Most of you know that Nathan's twin sister and two children were in a bad car accident while they were visiting in Oklahoma from Nebraska. For those of you who don't know, she and the kids miraculously walked away from a TERRIBLE crash. Her car lost control on a dirt road, flipped over, and as she tried to free herself and her children, the car was on fire (something you only hear/see on movies). Luckily the worst injury out of all of them was her son having a jammed thumb. But, after that (which was on a friday), our weekend kind of got worse. You see, a few weeks ago I purchased some tickets to go to the circus (none of us have ever been). We were going to go last Saturday afternoon. But we were in Stillwater visiting Nathans family after that aweful event friday evening. So we didn't leave Stillwater until 10 min. before 1:00. Which meant we didn't get into the City until 2:00 (which is when one of the three shows on Sat. started). I didn't care about being a few minutes late. But, Nathan is all about punctuallity so he wanted to go at the 7:30 pm show. The only problem with that is it's 30 min. before the kids bedtime. Soooo, we went. Here are some pix of the elephants.......

 About 10 minutes after arriving, both children were SUPER cranky and as a result so were Nathan and I. After being there 30 minutes he wanted to leave. But I wasn't about waste $20.00 for 30 minutes of whining children (that includes Nathan LOL). So we stayed the ENTIRE 2 1/2 hours!!!! And I enjoyed almost the entire thing. The kids finally stopped whining towards the end it was a fantastic show. Maybe next time someone will listen to me and we will go in the afternoon, regardless if we are late. Ha ha ha. I do love my husband immensly, it was just one of those weekends when nothing was working. And on top of it this is how behind I am with the house chores......

......that's a TRUCK load of laundry that needs to be folded and put away....better get to it I guess, cause it's not going to fold itself. And, hey, at least I FINALLY finished the 4 loads of dishes! One big accomplishment down, a few more to go. So I am going to tackle that laundry with full blast music and dancing hips. ;)

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