Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First birthday and MORE!!!!

Well, sorry this post took so long, I've been a little busy. Oh and Happy belated Mothers Day to all you awesome moms! The only pictures I have of Matthews first birthday is his haircut and first push toy (I forgot to bring the camera to Stillwater where Matthew had his first cake and LOTS more presents...sorry). here it goes, hope you enjoy.

Here are the before shots of his long locks, front.....

.............and back.....................

After shots

..................and Back! ( I guess he looks like a little boy now, because since we cut his hair there has not been one mistake of someone thinking he is a girl)

Matthews push toy birthday present from Grandpa Dill and Nola.

And now the moment everyone has been waiting for (at least those I haven't told yet)! DRUMROLL ................................. The Dill's would proudly like to introduce to the world...their new baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the proof.

profile pic.

This photo shot was pretty neat...I think we are going to have a future Olympic diver in the family. It's hard to make out but she is positioned in a somersault with her hands behind her knees, legs against the face, and toes pointed. We couldn't stop laughing at this talented pose. Well there you have it...I would write more but Nathan is anxious to get on the computer so until next time, enjoy this blog.


Coty said...

OOOOh me first! CONGRATULATIONS on your baby girl! we find out next month...but i'm certainly not banking on a girl ;) not that i don't want one...but three boys later...the chances aren't likely :)

Matthew is soooo cute!

Happy Birthday buddy!

Dina said...

YAY!!!! Matthew is getting soo big and so cute!!! I can't wait to to see him in A WEEK!!!!! And Congrats again on the baby girl! I can't wait to meet her! I know she's be adorable though!

Aubrey said...

Yay for a baby girl. Happy Birthday to Matthew! I am so jealous of his beautiful hair. Samuel still doesn't need a haircut. sigh.